Nikah Booking Policy

The appointed Imam of Darulilm Masjid performs all Nikah ceremonies which take place in conjunction with Purley Islamic Community Centre.  If a particular Imam has been requested to carry out the Nikah ceremony at PICC, then all relevant details need to be provided to Management by completing the Nikah Booking Form.

A Nikah is not recognised as a valid marriage under English law, please make your own arrangements to legalise the marriage.

Booking Fee

The booking fee is £50 paid online via a link that will be sent once your Nikah booking is accepted and processed by the Masjid. Please note that your booking will be confirmed once your payment has been received.

First Meeting with Imam

Whilst not compulsory, we encourage that the parties to the marriage and/or members of the respective families meet with the appointed Imam, at a mutually agreed time prior to the day of the ceremony. The purpose of this meeting is for a general discussion with the Imam, which may include the Islamic obligations pertinent to marriage and the couple’s personal circumstances. All such discussions will be carried out in confidentiality with the Imam.

Documents Required

Please see the documents listed on the Nikah Booking Form. We advise these to be brought to the first meeting, or otherwise on the agreed date of the Nikah ceremony. Originals must be brought together with a clear photocopy for each, to be retained by Darulilm Masjith.

Important Notes

Darulilm Masjith is not registered to solemnise marriages in accordance with English law.

A Nikah which is performed in the UK is not considered a valid marriage under English law and as such provides no enforceable legal marital rights. This is important to note particularly in instances of marriage breakdown or death. For this reason, we encourage our community to ensure a civil marriage is conducted in a registered office in accordance with English law and that this is carried out immediately before or after the Nikah ceremony to preserve the enforceable rights of both parties.

It is for this reason that the Masjid has adopted a policy of only releasing the Nikah certificate once a civil registry marriage has taken place and the certificate (+ 1 copy) is provided.

Darulilm Masjith will NOT conduct a Nikah which breaches the general requirements of marriage in English law. Under English Law, you can get married in the UK if you are:

  1. 16 or over
  2. Free to marry – single, divorced or widowed
  3. Not closely related